the shen,

Concerning the shen-ring which is his (possibly referring to Geb) symbol of rank
Text from the library of the Sobek Temple at Tebtynis The ring was made of rope, the ends of which were knotted or tied together, forming a circle. Circular shapes, being endless, symbolized completeness and infinity in ancient Egypt. Thus at times the sun was depicted encircled by a shen, probably referring to the eternity of creation. By its association with the sun it was a source of life.
Divine associations
The shen is closely associated with the falcon god Horus, with the tutelary vulture goddess Nekhbet and with Isis, all three deities were closely involved with the special protection the kingship received from the gods. Since the Old Kingdom the pharaoh's name was surrounded by a cartouche, which was an elongated shen-symbol. Apart from enjoying the protection the shen afforded them, the kings, by writing their names on the symbol's inside, which stood for the universe, laid claim to the rule over the whole creation. Another vulture goddess, Mut, is also shown holding a shen-ring in her talons at times. The frog goddess Heqat is sometimes depicted sitting on a shen.
The primordial god Hah who personified infinity and eternity, was often shown with the symbol, thus on a New Kingdom clasp decorated with Hah carrying a shen on his head instead of a sun disk.
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