Hieroglyphic Text With Transliteration And Translation
Re Chapter | en of | neter the god | neterti divine (?) | kheperu tchesef self-produced, | ȧri the maker |
pet of heaven, | ta [and] earth, | māu [and] the breath | en of | ānkh life, | khet of fire, |
neteru of gods, | reth of men, | āut of beasts, | menmen of cattle, | tcheṭfet of reptiles and creeping things, |
apt of the fowl of the air, | remu [and] of fishes, | suten the king | reth of men | neteru [and] of gods, | em in |
kher form | uā one, | ḥenti [to whom] periods of 120 years | er [are] as | renput years, | āsht of many | renu names, |
ȧn not | rekh known | pefi is that [god], | ȧn not | rekh known | pefi is that [god to] | neteru the gods. |
ȧstu Behold, | Ȧst Isis | em was in the form of | set a woman | saa [who was] skilled | en in |
tcheṭu words (i.e., matters). | khak-ȧb-s Her heart rebelled | er at | ḥeḥu the millions | em of |
reth men, í | setep eres she chose rather | ḥeḥu the millions | em of | neteru the gods, | ȧpt-set and she esteemed |
ḥeḥu the millions | em of | khu the spirits [of more value]. | ȧn khem set “Could she not be | em in | pet heaven |
ta [and] earth | mȧ like | Ra Rā | ȧri ḳert [and] make herself mistress | ta of the earth |
netert and a goddess,” | ka-set she meditated | em in | ȧb-set her heart. | er rekh “by knowing |
ren the name | neter of the god | shepsi holy?” |
ȧstu Behold, | āq en came in | Rā Rā | hru neb every day | em ḥāt in front of | qet - [f] [his] sailors, |
smen-thȧ and was stablished | ḥer upon | nest the throne | khuti of the two horizons. |
ȧaut Had become old | netri the divine one, | ennu - nef re - ƒ he dribbled at his mouth, |
sat - ƒ he poured out | nebȧut - f his exudations | er upon | ta the ground, |
peḳas en su and his spittle | sekher fell | her upon | sat the earth. | sek-nes Ȧst Isis she kneaded [it] |
em in | ṭet-set her hand | ḥenā with | ta earth | unenet which was | ḥer-set on it, | qeṭ-nes-set she fashioned it |
em in the form of | tcheṭfeti a serpent | shepsi sacred, | ȧri en set [and] she made [it] | em in |
qaȧ the form | ḥeti of a dart. | ȧn Not | nemunemuȧ-s did it move along |
ānkh-thȧ alive | er kheft-set before her, | khaā-set [and] she left [it] | ḥamu lying | ḥer on |
uat the path | āpep neter āa ḥer-s whereon journeyed the great god | er according | ȧba - f to his desire |
em khet through | tani - ƒ his two lands. |
neter The god | shepsi holy | khā - ƒ rose up, | er ḥa behind | neteru the gods |
em in | Āci-perti ; the great double house, | ānkh life, | utcha strength, | senb health! | em khet- ƒ [were] following him, |
seftseft - ƒ [and] he marched on | mȧ as [he did] | hru neb every day | unkhu-set [when] bit | em [him] |
tcheṭfeti the serpent | shepsi sacred ; | khet the fire | ānkhet of life | per-thȧ was coming out |
ȧm - ƒ from him | tchesef himself, | ṭer-nes it destroyed | ȧmi the dweller | na in the | āshu cedars. |
neter The god | netri divine | [un] - ƒ he opened | re - f his month, | kheru the voice | en of |
ḥen -f his Majesty | ā. L. | u. S. | s. H. | ! | peḥ-nef reached | er unto | pet heaven. | Paut The company |
neteru of the gods | tuf was | her for [saying], | mā pu-u “What is it?” | neteru - f His gods [were] |
her for [saying] | petrȧ-u “What is the matter?” | ȧn Not | qem - ƒ found he |
meṭtu words | er to | ushebt answer | her-f about it. | ȧrti-fi His two jaws |
her khetkhet rattled, | āt - ƒ his limbs | neb all | ȧstiti trembled, | metu the poison |
thetet-nef took possession | eon ȧufi of his body | mȧ as | thetet taketh possession | Ḥāp the Nile |
em of | khet -ƒ his river bed. | neter The god | āa great | smen-nef stablished | ȧb-f his heart, |
[nȧs] - f he [cried] out | er to | ȧmiu those in | khet - ƒ his train :— | māi-ten “Come | nȧ to me, |
khepert O ye who have come into being | em from | ḥāt-ȧ my members, | neteru [ye] gods |
peru who have proceeded | em-ȧ from me, | ṭāt rekh-ten and I will make you to know |
kheperȧ-set what hath happened : | ṭemu-entu I am wounded | khet by something | meru deadly, |
rekh-set knoweth it | ȧb-ȧ my heart. | ȧn Not | maa su have seen it | maa-ȧ my eyes, | ȧn not |
ȧri made it | set ṭet-ȧ my hand, | ȧn not | rekh-set know [I] it | em ȧri-nȧ nebt who hath done [this] to me anyone, |
ȧn not | ṭeptu-ȧ have I tasted | ment pain | mȧtet-set like it, | ȧn never was | meru deadly [anything] |
er-s more than it. | ȧnuk I am | ser a prince, | sa the son | ser of a prince, |
mu the divine issue | hheperu produced | em by | neter a god. | ȧnuk I am | ur a great one, |
sa the son | ur of a great one, | maut en thought out | ȧtef-ȧ my father | ren-ȧ my name. |
ȧnuk I am | āshu of many | rennu names, | āsht of many | kheperu forms (or, existences) | ȧu is |
kheperȧ-ȧ my form (or existence) | unu living | em in | neter god | neb every. | nȧs-ȧ-tu I have proclaimed |
Temu Ḥeru ḥekennu Temu and Ḥeru Ḥekennu. | ȧu tcheṭ Have uttered | ȧtef-ȧ my father |
mut-ȧ and my mother | ren-ȧ my name, | ȧmen-set hidden was it | em in | khat-ȧ my body | er by |
mes-ȧ my begetter | en meri who wished | tem not | erṭāt khepera to let have | peḥti power |
ḥekau-ȧ him who would enchant me | en by | ḥekai enchantments | er-ȧ over me. |
peru-k I had come forth | er from | ḥa er the abode to | maa ȧri-nȧ see what I had made |
sutet [and] was being led | em through | taui the lands | qemamu-nȧ [which] I had created, |
em tcheṭem when [something] aimed a blow | kher-ȧ at me | ȧn rehh-ȧ su [and] I know not what it is. |
ȧn khet ȧs pu Behold it is not fire, | ȧn mu ȧs pu behold it is not water. | ȧb-ȧ My heart | kheri contains |
[khet]u fire, | ḥāt-ȧ my limbs | ȧstiti [are] trembling, | āt-[ȧ] [my] members | kheri contain |
mesu the children | ḥesiu of quakings. | ȧmmā ȧntu-nȧ I pray you let be brought to me |
mesu-ȧ my children, | neteru the gods | khui mighty | meṭet of words, | rekhi skilful |
re-sen with their mouths, | sarṭ-sen their powers, | peḥ-sen they reach | her to heaven. |
iu-eref Came to him | mesu [his] children, | neter god | neb every | ȧm there | kheri with |
ȧkebu-nef his cries of weeping. | iu en Ȧst Came Isis | kheri with | khut-set her power |
ȧst re-set and her skilled mouth, | em with | nifu the breath | en of | ānkh life, | thes-set her incantations |
ḥer ṭer destroy | ment diseases, | meṭtu-set her word | sānkh maketh to live | ḳa stinking | ḥeti throats (i.e., throats of the dead). |
tcheṭ-set She said, | mā pu-u What is this, | ȧtef O father | neter god ? | petrȧ What is it ? | theṭfi A snake |
ṭen mennu hath shot sickness | ȧm-k into thee. | uā A thing | mes-k made by thee | fa hath lifted up |
ṭep-f its head | erek against thee. | ka Verily | sekher-set it shall be overthrown | em by |
Ḥekaiu words of power | menkhiu beneficent, | ṭā-ȧ khetkhet - f I will make it to depart | er from |
maa the sight | sati-k of thy rays. | neter The god | tcheseri holy | ȧpu-nef opened | re - f his mouth: |
ȧnuk I | pu shemi was passing | ḥer over | uat the way | sutut going | em through |
tani the two lands | set-ȧ of my country, | ȧba en ȧb-ȧ er wished my heart to | maa see |
qemamu-nȧ what I had created | khunen-nȧ [when] I was bitten | em by | tcheṭfi a snake |
ȧn maa set invisible. | ȧn khet ȧs pu Behold it is not fire, | ȧn mu ȧs pu behold it is not water. |
qebebḥ-kuȧ I am colder | er than | mu water, | shemem-kuȧ I am hotter | er than |
seshet fire, | ḥāt-ȧ my limbs | neb all | er kheri are full of | fetet sweat, | tuȧ I |
ȧstiti tremble, | maat-ȧ my eye | ȧn is without | smen stability, | ȧn | qemḥu-ȧ I cannot see |
pet the heavens, | ḥu bursteth out | mu water | ḥer on | ḥrȧ-ȧ my face | em [as] in | shemu summer. |
tcheṭ ȧn Said | Ȧst Isis | en to | Rā Rā, | ȧ O | tcheṭ-nȧ tell me | ren-k thy name, |
ȧtef father | neter god; | ānkh liveth | sa the person | ṭemu-tu ḥer who hath declared |
ren - f his name. | ȧnuh [Said Rā] I am | ȧri the maker | pet of heaven | ta [and] earth, |
thes the knitter together | ṭuu of the mountains, | qemamu the creator | unnet of what exists |
ḥer - f upon it. | nuk I am | ȧri the maker | mu of the water | khepertu making to exist |
Meḥt-ur Meḥt-ur, | ȧri acting [as] | ka en bull of | mut - ƒ his mother, | kheperu the creator |
netchem netchemiu of the joys of love. | nuk ȧri I am the maker | pet of heaven | sesheta and have covered over |
khuti the two horizons, | ṭā-ȧ I have set | ba the soul | nu of | neteru the gods | em-khennu-set within them |
ȧnuk I am | un he who openeth | maati-f his eyes, | kheperu becometh | ḥetchetchtu the light; |
ākhennu shutteth [he] | maati-f his eyes, | kheperu becometh | kekui the dark. | ḥu Riseth | mu the flood |
Ḥāp of Ḥāp (Nile) | kheft when | utu-nef he giveth the command, | ȧn not |
rekh en neteru know the gods | ren - ƒ his name. | nuk I am | ȧri the maker | unnu of hours, |
kheperu the creator | hru of days, | nuh I am | ȧpu the opener | ḥebu of the festivals | renpit of the year, |
qemamu the creator | ȧtru of streams of water. | nuk I am | ȧri the maker |
khet of flame | ānkhet of life | er sekheperu making to be performed | kat works | en in | amu the houses. |
nuk I am | Kheperȧ Kheperȧ | em in | ṭuauu the morning, | Rā Rā | em in | āḥāu-f his noontide, |
Temu Temu | ȧmi māsheru in the evening. | ȧn [But] not | khesef was driven |
met the poison | em out of | shemi-set its course, | ȧn not | netchem was relieved | neter āa the great god. |
tcheṭ ȧn Said | Ȧst Isis | en to | Rā Rā: — | ȧn ren-k ȧpu Thy name is not enumerated |
em among | na the | tcheṭu-k-nȧ things which thou hast said to me ; | ȧ O | tcheṭ-k tell thou | set it | nȧ to me, |
peri and shall come out | ta the | metu poison. | ānkh Shall live | sa a person |
ṭemu-tu having uttered | ren - f his name. | metu The poison | tcheṭemu-set it burned |
em with | tcheṭemu burnings, | sekhemu-nes it was stronger | er than | nebȧu the flame | en of |
ārt fire. | tcheṭ ȧn Said | ḥen the majesty | en of | Rā Rā, | ṭāt-nȧ I give myself |
ḥeḥui mā Ȧst to be searched out by Isis, | per em ren-ȧ shall come forth my name | em from |
khat-ȧ my body | er into | khat-s her body. | ȧmen en su Hid himself | netri the divine one | em from |
neteru the gods, | usekh empty was | ȧst the place | em in | uȧa the Boat | en of | ḥeḥ renput millionsof years. |
ȧr When | kheperu it became | mȧ about | sep the time of | pert the coming forth | ent of |
ȧb the heart | tcheṭ-s she said | en to | sa [her] son | Ḥeru Horus:— | senḥa ent su Let him bind himself by an oath |
em ānkh sworn by the life | neter of the god | erṭāt neter that the god will give | maati-f his two eyes. |
neter The god | āat great | uthes - nef ḥer ren - ƒ was removed from his name, | Ȧst Isis, | urt-ḥekauti great in words of power [said]:— |
shept Run out, | metu poison, | per come forth | em from | Rā Rā, | maat Eye | Hern of Horus, |
peri come forth | em from | neter the god, | nubȧu and shine | en without | re - ƒ his mouth. |
nuk I, | ȧri-ȧ I have worked, | nuk I | hau er māȧi make to fall down | ḥer upon | ta the ground |
er metu sekhemu the poison which is defeated, | māki verily | uthes was removed | en from | neter the god |
āa great | ren - ƒ his name. | Rā ānkh - ƒ Rā may he live, | met the poison | mit may it die |
thes rer and conversely. | men A certain one, | mes the son | en of | ment a certain woman, |
ānkh - f may he live, | metu the poison | mit may it die. | tcheṭ en Ȧst ur [Thus] said Isis, great lady, |
mistress | neteru of the gods, | rekh who knew | Rā Rā | em by | ren - f his name | tchesef his own. |
tcheṭ To be said | ḥer over | tut en an image of | Temu Temu | ḥenā and | Ḥeru-ḥekennu Ḥeru-ḥekennu, |
erpit and [over] a figure | Ȧst of Isis, | tut and an image | Ḥeru of Horus. |
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