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The Magic Book, c. 1100 BCE
Tales of Ancient Egypt: Princess Ahura: We were the two children of the King Merneptah, and he loved us very much, for he had ...
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Utterance 34.
26a. Smin, smin opens thy mouth. One pellet of natron.
26b. O N., thou shalt taste its taste in front of the sḥ-ntr-chapels. One pellet of natron.
26c. That which Horus spits out is smin. One pellet of natron.
26d. That which Set spits out is smin. One pellet of natron.
26e. That which the two harmonious gods (spit out) is smin. One pellet of natron.
26f. To say four times: Thou hast purified thyself with natron, together with Horus (and) the Followers of Horus. Five pellets of natron from Nekheb, Upper Egypt.
Utterance 35.
27a. Thou purifiest (thyself); Horus purifies (himself). One pellet of natron. Thou purifiest (thyself); Set purifies (himself). One pellet of natron.
27b. Thou purifiest (thyself); Thot purifies (himself). One pellet of natron. Thou purifiest (thyself); the god purifies (himself). One pellet of natron.
27c. Thou also purifiest (thyself)--thou who art among them. One pellet of natron.
27d. Thy mouth is the mouth of a sucking calf on the day of his birth.
27e. Five pellets of natron of the North, Wadi Natrûn (št-p.t)
Utterance 36.
28a. Thou purifiest (thyself); Horus purifies (himself). Thou purifiest (thyself); Set purifies (himself). Thou purifiest (thyself); Thot purifies (himself).
28b. Thou purifiest (thyself); the god purifies (himself). Thou purifiest (thyself); thy ka purifies (himself). Thou purifiest (thyself); thy god purifies (himself).
28c. Thou also purifiest (thyself); it is thou who art among thy brothers, the gods.
29a. Thy natron is on thy mouth; thou purifiest thy bones, (and) all. Equip thyself with that which belongs to thee.
29b. Osiris, I have given to thee the eye of Horus to equip thy face therewith; adhere (to it).
29c. One pellet of natron.
Utterance 37.
30a. O N., shut now thy two jaws which were divided. Pśš-kf-instrument (or, -bread).
Utterances 38-42.
38. 30b. Osiris N., I open for thee thy mouth. A sacred copper (or, iron) (instrument) of South and North.
39. 31a. N., Take to thyself the eye of Horus, towards which he (Horus) runs; he brings it to thee; put it in thy mouth.
31b. Three pellets of incense of the South; three pellets of incense of the North.
40. 31c. O N., take to thyself the šik of Osiris. šik-pellets.
41. 32a. Take the tip of the bodily breast of Horus; take it in thy mouth. A jug of milk (or, one jug of fine milk).
42. 32b. Take the breast of thy sister Isis, which is protected(?); take this in thy mouth. An empty mnsȝ-jar.
Utterance 43.
33a. Take the two eyes of Horus, the black and the white; take them to thyself to be in thy face, that they may illuminate thy face.
33b. A white jar, a black jar, for carrying. N. has white mnw-stone and black mnw-stone hȝtś-jars (which are) the right eye and the left eye.
Utterance 44.
34a. May the sun in heaven be favourable to thee; may he cause the two lords to be favourable to thee.
34b. May the night be favourable to thee; may the two ladies be favourable to thee.
34c. The offering which is brought to thee is an offering which thou seest, an offering which thou hearest.
34d. An offering is before thee, an offering is behind thee, an offering which is with thee. A wdȝ.t-cake.
Utterances 45-48.
45. 35a. Osiris N., take to thyself the white teeth of Horus which equip thy mouth. Five white cakes.
46. 35b. To say four times: A royal offering to the ka of N. Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus.
35c. (It is) thy cake; eat thou. A cake of offering, a wdȝ.t-cake.
47. 36a. Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which is free from Set, and which thou shalt take to thy mouth,
36b. and with which thou shalt open thy mouth. Wine; one white mnw-stone hȝtś-jar.
48. 36c. Osiris N., open thy mouth with that with which thou art full. Wine; one black mnw-stone hȝtś-jar.
Utterances 49-52.
49. 37a. Osiris N., take to thyself the liquid going forth from thee. Beer; one black mnw-stone ḥnw.t-bowl.
50. 37b. Rē‘ thou adorest; (he who is) in heaven thou adorest. To N., the lord (belong) all things.
37c. To thy body (belong) all things; to the ka of N. (belong) all things; to his body (belong) all things.
37d. To lift up before his face a splendid offering table.
51. 38a. N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which thou tastest. One dp.t-loaf.
52. 38b. Darkness increases (?). One ȝḥ-cake.
Utterances 53-57.
53. 38c. N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which thou shalt embrace. One joint of meat.
54. 39a. N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, wrested from Set, which was taken from thee, with which thou openest thy mouth.
39b. One white mnw-stone bowl of wine.
55. 39c. N., take to thyself the liquid which went forth from Osiris. One black mnw-stone bowl of beer.
56. 40a. N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which was taken from thee; it is not far from thee. One copper (or, iron) bowl of beer.
57. 40b. N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; equip thyself with it. One ḥtm-bowl of beer.
57A. 40c (Nt. Jéquier, XII 2 83). To say: I bring two eyes of Horus. An ’iwn.t-bow.
57B. 40d (Nt. 284). To say: From (or "in") the place where they fell. Ḫr.t-sea.
57C. 40e (Nt. 285). To say: Take them which I give to thee. A bowstring.
57D. 40f (Nt. 286). To say: He cast them to the ground. A rwd-whip.
57E. 40g (Nt. 287). To say: Osiris N., I bring to thee two eyes of Horus. An ’iwn.t-bow.
57F. 40h (Nt. 288). [To] say: [I gave to thee] ----- Set. A pd.t-bow.
57G. 40i (Nt. 289). To say: I gave [to thee] ---- heart of Set. A [d ---].
57H. 40i (Nt. 290). [To say] ----------- n [b]. ---- rwd.
57I. 40k (Nt. 291). [To say] ------------- thou (?) hast seized them. -----
57J. 40l (Nt. 292). [To say] ---- [Osir]is N. I bring to thee the two eyes of Horus, [thy] joy (?) --------
57K. 40m (Nt. 293). To say: Osiris N., take (?) to thyself the eye of Horus; protect it; let it not cease (to be).
57L. 40n (Nt. 294). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, as it was returned to him.
57K-L. 40m-n (Nt. 293-294). Like dry fruit (?) of Horus
57M. 40o (Nt. 295). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus; protect (it), for it is given (back) to him. The ’idr-tail.
57N. 40p (Nt. 296). To say: Osiris N., take one eye of Horus. One tail.
57O. 40q (Nt. 297). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of this Horus, which was taken by him from Set--he had robbed it. One tail.
57P. 40r (Nt. 298). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus, which is guarded by Geb. One bs-block.
57Q. 40S (Nt. 299). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus over which Set enjoyed himself. Mśi (?) pn mr.
57R. 40t (Nt. 300). To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of Horus. which he saw side (by side) with Set. A dagger.
57S. 40u (Nt. 300. To say: Osiris N., take to thyself the eye of this Horus, which was taken by him from Set--[he] had robbed it. One tail.
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